Be the change

Be the change

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Barn Dance Book Event

I am absolutely beyond excited about a phone call I received today!!  I was asked to help spread the word on an amazing book I recently read.  It is titled "Barn Dance" and it is written by James Twyman. 

Here is the synopsis...

On November 27, 2005, two men broke into Linda Twyman’s apartment in Evanston, Illinois, and brutally ended her young life. Three and a half years later, guided by a series of visions and dreams, James Twyman was mystically drawn to a barn deep in the Nevada wilderness where Heaven and Earth collide and magic changes lives.

If you’ve ever wondered if we really can communicate with our loved ones who have passed to the other side, this book is your answer. If you’ve ever thought that Heaven and Earth never meet, then this story will reveal a world you never imagined . . . a world where love never ends and life goes on forever. Once you pick up this amazing book, you won’t want to put it down, and your life will never be the same. 

I am looking for 30 people that would like to read this book by July 24th and come to an event where we will have James skype in to talk with us and also answer any questions we may have.  Please let me know if you are interested, I will get your name on my sign up sheet.  Once I have my 30 people I can have the books shipped to me and I will get to you quickly. 

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